The Latest @ Coeur
In full swing with the Coeur Team
Well, the endurance sports season in the U.S. is getting into full swing. With the Memorial Day holiday just around the corner, we thought it would make sense to share a quick update on what has been going on lately at Coeur.
Our ambassador team has been out in full force and they have been grabbing podium spots across the country. As of today, we have seven ladies who have qualified for 70.3 Worlds and four who have grabbed Kona slots. With more races in front of us than behind, we expect that both of those numbers will grow.
Coeur's Kona Race Report Part II
Kristin Schwieger & Hailey Manning
This was my second time to the Big Island for World Championships, so I was more calm and relaxed then I can remember. When my alarm went off at 4:30, I ate breakfast and headed to the pier. After getting body marked and my bike set and ready to go, I just sat in a quiet spot on the pier waiting for the word to hit the water.
Coeur's Kona Race Report Part I
Laura Sophiea & The Duffield Twins
2013 Race Re-cap Ironman Kona #23!!
I have to say that Kona 2013 showed me that I truly love my life's journey through this sport of triathlons and I was truly blessed to be on the starting line in Kona for #23!
One Coeur-ageous Athlete
We looked over to our left and happened to see one of the Challenged Athlete Foundation ("CAF") competitors in her race chair. She was a petite woman and was at a dead stop about halfway up a hill. For the most part no one was watching and it was apparent that her arms were about to give out. Before I go on to tell the rest of this, I have to just say that I have re-written this next section twice and I just can't find the words to convey how incredible, inspiring, emotional and moving we found this to be.
Talking Kona with Kristin Schwieger

Woohoo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Coeur: What's your bib number?
Talking Kona with Laura Sophiea
Laura Sophiea is getting ready to compete in tomorrow's Ironman World Championships! We thought it would be fun to ask her a few questions leading up to the race!
Coeur: How many times have you raced in Kona?
Laura: I have raced 22 times beginning in 1987, this is #23 for me! I have 8 AG wins, and currently well at least until Sat. 2 AG records in Kona.
Talking Kona with Hailey Manning
A report from Kona FAN-tastic
A well written account of Kona from the perspective of an Iron Fan!
Days before the Kona race, we all went to see the practice swim and laughed our heads off at the UNDERPANTS RUN.
Day of the race, we all got up at 4AM to go with them to registration. I don’t know if we were support team, entourage or both….but we were there as a functioning unit. Communication was key - between both moms, and dad and brother/brother-in-law and phone calls to those left on the mainland to report “she’s out of the water”; “he had a great transition time”; “just saw her on the bike – she looks great”…..communication was as streamlined and tight and concise as any military unit on a mission.