The Latest @ Coeur
Laura Sophia prepares for her 24th appearance at Ironman Hawaii
Before we continue our series of interviews with Coeur Kona Qualifiers, we have to state that this is not a typo. Laura is going to Kona for the 24th time! Ladies and gentleman...please meet the amazing Laura Sophia!
Happy Monday. We recap the weekend in Cycling & Triathlon
A bike named Trots
So, let me tell you about my first bike. Not my first bike ever but certainly my first bike with a name. I used it in my first ever triathlon. He was made of steel, his shifters were on the down tube and his name was….Trots. Trots? What kind of name is that? Was your bike named for Leon Trotsky? Or some type of digestive disorder?
No! Of course not. Trots stood for….I mean, it means, or it meant. Well, actually, I can’t say with certainty why the bike was named Trots.
Despite the fact that Trots that was 20 lbs heavier than my bike, Kebby still beat me in her first triathlon
We talk about one tough female triathlete
One of our favorite sayings is that “Steel Sharpens Steel”. Hang around hard working people and you’ll probably work harder. Run with fast people and you’ll likely run faster. We think the same holds true with toughness. Associate yourself with strong-willed individuals and…well…you get the point.
Life, The Universe and Everything...Coeur's take on growing the sport of triathlon
As we have mentioned before, we have the good fortune to have an office that is conducive to conversation. There’s a sofa and a couple of comfortable chairs in the entrance area before you get to the sublimation and warehousing area and there’s a wine cooler right across from the bank of printers.
When the last tri kit has been sublimated and things start to quiet down in the evening, it is not uncommon to find us on the sofa with (shock!) a glass of wine. We use this time to debrief on the day and to occasionally tackle a few of the big issues in the world. “What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything?” It’s 42 by the way (kudos to anyone who gets the literary reference). “Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?” Perhaps they are going to make Hawaii into two states? And recently, we tackled one of the toughest ones. “What can be done to help the sport of triathlon grow?”
And the beat goes on...
Mid-week musings. Who is the greatest of all time?

It’s in a very hip area of Santa Monica, California and we can count Bonk Breakers, Yoga Glow film studios and even a training center for classical musicians as neighbors. On Sunday afternoons, the classical musicians train and incredible notes from violins can be heard in the distance. Despite being in Santa Monica, the office park is quiet on Sundays and the music is magical. But I digress.